
Seeking Request for Proposal

Seeking Request for Proposal

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"We are currently seeking Request for Proposal (RFP) submissions from qualified service providers to deliver expert bookkeeping services. This is a great opportunity to highlight your expertise and join us for a valuable partnership."

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People Need to Change

People Need to Change

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"The light is already falling and we need to change how we think about housing. We can’t focus on back yards, parking spaces, and garages if we want to get this crisis under control"

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Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region holds a Dedication Ceremony for six new homes, completing a 45 home project on Kehl Street in Kitchener.

Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region holds a Dedication Ceremony for six new homes, completing a 45 home project on Kehl Street in Kitchener.

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“Today’s announcement shows the transformation that comes from these strong partnerships within the housing sector"

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City of Kitchener donates land to Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region for affordable home ownership build

City of Kitchener donates land to Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region for affordable home ownership build

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"Today, the City of Kitchener and Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region announced the inaugural phase of “BUILD NOW: Waterloo Region”, a first of its kind in Canada"

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Gone Are The Days

Gone Are The Days

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"When addressing housing issues, we must acknowledge the true extent of the problem, which surpasses our initial perceptions."

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No More Buts

No More Buts

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"We cannot continue to say we need affordable housing in one sentence only to follow it with reasons why not this housing"

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Less Blame-More Action

Less Blame-More Action

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"Too often, attempts to pinpoint blame result in each party deflecting accountability. Meanwhile, the community continues to suffer from a housing shortage"

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Where is the Ambition?

Where is the Ambition?

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"This is a crisis and we cannot allow ourselves the luxury of time because, to be frank, we’ve run out."

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Housing Affordability Top Concern for Canadians: New 2023 Survey Findings Reveal Attitudes on Homeownership and the Housing Affordability Crisis

Housing Affordability Top Concern for Canadians: New 2023 Survey Findings Reveal Attitudes on Homeownership and the Housing Affordability Crisis

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Habitat for Humanity Canada has released the results of a new national survey revealing Canadians’ attitudes towards the affordable housing crisis in Canada and sheds light on the growing barriers to housing and homeownership. The Habitat for Humanity Canada Affordable Housing Survey, which measured the perceptions of Canadian homeowners and renters, also sheds light on the growing concerns and barriers to homeownership including lack of housing supply, increased cost of living, discriminati...

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Affordable isn't a four-letter word

Affordable isn't a four-letter word

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"We need to change how we think about housing and the stigma we have always attached to affordable housing."

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Donate Today | Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region

With a little help, we all have the potential to stand on our own.

Your financial support, your voice and your time will help bring strength, stability and independence to families in need of a decent place to live.

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(519) 747-0664